In my opinion, the most important part of being an investor is to find new opportunities. This exposes you to new vehicles that can ratchet up your returns and broaden your investing knowledge. I always have a small budget to periodically try out new books, newsletters, courses, and seminar recordings. A few turn out to be junk, but I find a way to learn something from most of them; sometimes I come across something that dramatically increases my net worth and I have turned a few of them into a part-time profession.
Here are some examples: I’ve owned livestock for profit, a racehorse (that won its first race), peer-to-peer loans, several types of real estate, and all kinds of stock and derivative trading. There are two companies I am looking at now to open a small account: and Both of these websites allow you to copy the trades of successful currency traders in your own account for a fee. Also, I am trading a large percentage of a retirement account in something that I did not know existed a year ago. I discovered most of these examples from my small budget to learn about new ways to invest and I recommend you periodically do something to find new opportunities as well.