Part of financial planning is predicting the likelihood of future tax increases or decreases. This estimate is needed to make any decisions with tax implications – do them now or later depending on which way tax rates are headed.
A new report just released from the U.S Congressional Budget Office (CBO) offers clear guidance for U.S. taxpayers to use. The CBO summarized by saying that over the next 25 years, people at all income levels will be paying a larger share of their income in taxes; even if there are no tax increases!
Some specifics include:
- The mortgage-interest deduction will be cut in half
- More people will have to pay income tax on their social security income
- Obamacare taxes will increase and include more people than today
These increases will occur with no changes from the current rules. However, the CBO also points out that the national debt is skyrocketing from the deficits generated by: Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare. The CBO claims these debts are NOT sustainable indefinitely, could possibly create a financial crisis, and so additional tax increases will be necessary in the future as well.
So for now, when you have a tax decision to make, such as triggering income or gains now vs. later, it is financially advantageous to do them now rather than a few years from now at higher tax rates.